语境感知(Context Awareness) 对话上下文由用户和系统对话组成,对话上下文决定了对话的主题和用户意图,对于对话代理(dialogue ageents)来说这些是非常重要的。 回复一致性(Response Coherence) 一致性意味着在一个对话中要保持逻辑和一致性(consistency),这对于回复的语法和逻辑一致是非常重要的。这在生成模型中是一个热点...
Stanford Seminar - Recent Advances in Deep Learning斯坦福研讨会 - 深度学习的最新进展 "Recent advances in deep learning" - Oriol Vinyals of Google Support for the Stanford Colloquium on Computer Systems Seminar Series provided by the Stanford Computer Fo
In recent years, deep learning has evolved as a rapidly growing and stimulating field of machine learning and has redefined state-of-the-art performances in a variety of applications. There are multiple deep learning models that have distinct architectures and capabilities. Up to...
But do you ever wonder how the deep learning object detection algorithms are evolved over the years, their pros and cons?I find the paper - Recent Advances in Deep Learning for Object Detection a really good answer to this quest. Let me summarize what I have learned, hopefully, elaborate ...
目标检测论文:Recent Advances in Deep Learning for Object Detection,目标检测论文:RecentAdvancesinDeepLearningforObjectDetectiontwo-stagedetectionframeworks:one-stagedetectionframeworks:
presents apipeline that unifies several recently proposed model architectures and learning paradigms into one single framework. Through the lens of the pipeline, we analyze recent advances in deep learning for routing problems and provide new directions to stimulate future research towards practical ...
A Survey of Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Recent Advances in Deep Learning for Object Detection Recurrent Scale Approximation for Object Detection in CNN Relation Networks for Object Detection Single-Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection ...
In this paper, we give a comprehensive survey of recent advances in visual object detection with deep learning. By reviewing a large body of recent related work in literature, we systematically analyze the existing object detection frameworks and organize the survey into three major parts: (i) ...
Sentiment analysis is one of the most popular research areas in natural language processing. It is extremely useful in many applications, such as social me
Learning with images and their classification, segmentation, localization, annotation, and abnormally detection is one of the current challenging and exciting task for the researchers. Recently deep learning techniques give excellent performance in Object Detection, Speech Recognition, Abnormality Detection, ...