Over 300 fans have voted on the 70+ items on Best Recent Musical Shows & Movies. Current Top 3: Moana, The Greatest Showman, Les Miserables
The movies with Mel Gibson are a testament to his dedication and passion for the art of filmmaking. Among the many incredible movies Mel Gibson was in, a few truly stand out. Take Braveheart, for example, where Gibson's portrayal of Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace garnered critical...
I Like Movies (2022) • In Water (2023) • Ken Burns: Leonardo Da Vinci • Name Of The Rose, The • Paper Moon (criterion Uhd) • • Paper Moon (criterion) • • Shape Of Water, The (crit. Uhd • • Shape Of Water, The (crit.) • • Skincare...
Women in movies all wear Merry Widows or garter belts. Pantyhose have not yet been invented in Hollywood. Wed Sep 11 09:11:22 1996 Adam Zar All action heroes were born with some sort of mutated eye membrane which allows them to ride motorcycles at 95mph without any eye protection and ye...
Over 2K filmgoers have voted on the 90+ Best Recent Thriller Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: A Quiet Place: Part II, Fall, Juror No. Two
Vote for your favorite Mel Gibson movies, regardless of critic reviews or how big the role was. Latest additions: Monster Summer, Boneyard, On the Line Most divisive: Attack Force Z Over 3.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 50+ Best Mel Gib...
Vote for your favorite Mel Gibson movies, regardless of critic reviews or how big the role was. Latest additions: Monster Summer, Boneyard, On the Line Most divisive: Attack Force Z Over 3.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 50+ Best Mel Gib...
BCI cinematics—A pre-release analyser for movies using H2O deep learning platform. Comput. Electr. Eng. 2018, 74, 547–556. [CrossRef] 191. Tripathi, S.; Acharya, S.; Sharma, R.; Mittal, S.; Bhattacharya S. Using deep and convolutional neural networks for accurate emotion classification...