Contrary to the unfortunate outcomes of numerous recent horrific events, an active-shooter event is not a situation where potential victims are without recourse. This is addressed in numerous, simple, and surprising ways in a survival training video called Survival Edge: Active Shooter Survival, ...
Schools shootings: A look at the most recent events From coast to coast school shootings have had a devastating impact on Americans. Here’s a look at some of the most recent events that shook the nation. During the last year, multiple schools across the U.S. have been impacted by shooti...
For the section on 'Heroes": After all the exhaustive events that lead to the downfall of a villain by the hero, the 'authorities' (ie. police cars with sirens blarring) only arrive when the villain is undeniably destroyed! After this it is customary for the police to allow the hero to...
Public events Path episodes Explorer Scientist Settler Soldier Path missions Explorer Scientist Settler Soldier Spells Class abilities Engineer Esper Medic Spellslinger Stalker Warrior Path abilities Explorer Scientist Settler Soldier Tradeskills Architect Armorer Cooking Farmer Mining Outfitter Relic Hu...
In contrast, sad tunes caused self-focused reflection on past events, aligning with increased neural activity in brain areas tied to introspection and memory retrieval. So why does sad music have the power to impact psychological wellbeing? The immersive experience of sombre melodies provides a ...
next-generation emergency department, taking into account key lessons of COVID-19, Ebola, and other emerging infectious diseases. But plans must also include contingencies for active-shooter events, bad weather, and an ED staff that is prepared to succeed in managing any and al...
The Active Shooter Era: GIS for Critical Incident Planning and Response Presentation Shannon Julius Avoiding Compliance Violations: ArcGIS Online, Python, Collector, and 90 Users Presentation Neil Young, Michael Brown, Gavin Jenkins Tulare Lake Basin Water Quality Analysis Using ArcGIS Insights Presentati...
away from the rawness of the event and check the reality of the horror.It should be noted, before we proceed any further that the author of these words here does not wish to diminish the horror of the events. These are inconceivable tragedies that every parent can’t help but fear. But...
Question: Why does a person’s right to bear arms outweigh other people’s right to live? Why does someone wanting to own a gun “for protection” outweigh someone else wanting to live in a community where their kids don’t practice active shooter drills?
Spousal When a defendant is married to his spouse at the time of trial, the spousal privilege applies and bars testimony from the spouse, even about events that occurred prior to the marriage. (The defendant 23 used date-rape drugs to sexually assault the sister of his then-girlfriend, now...