Collectively, these self-care practices undermine efforts to effectively abate the spread and burden of HIV and reduce AIDS-related mortality. Therefore, there is need for sensitization campaigns on the benefits of ART and the risks associated with widespread self-prescription of antibiotics and use ...
Further assessment of the benefits of β-blocker therapy in high-risk genotype groups may be warranted. Cardiovascular disease, including acute coronary syndromes (ACS), is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world.1 Acute and long-term therapy with β-adrenergic antagonists ...
1.5. Peer Review and the Benefits of the Feedback-Giving Role In the field of L2 learning research, there is little research analyzing the beneficial effects of reviewing on one's own writing (Lundstrom and Baker 2009). On the one hand, it seems logical that students in the role of feed...