ROLL CALL ITEMS RECEIVED TOO LATE TO BE AGENDIZED RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution determining need to take immediate action on item(s) and that the need for action came to the attention of the District subsequent to the posting of the Agenda (requires two-thirds vote of the Board members ...
Need immediate help on Event ID 1026 .Net Run Time error need netsh dhcp reservation command Need Process Name and Process ID info from PerfMon Need to access share based on computer name not user name... Need to know the status of BAT file execution Need to remotely disable/enable a netw...
def createStream[F[_]](args: List[String], shutdown: F[Unit])( implicit E: Effect[F]): Stream[F, ExitCode] = for { client <-[F]() loggedClient = Logger(true, true, _ => false)(client) wxStationUpstream = WeatherStationUpstreamInterpreter[F](loggedClient) wxSt...