Brings your Gmail emails directly onto your Mac's desktop without you having to do anything more t... Aug 7th 2018, 04:06 GMT OS X 10.9 or later (Intel only) 549 downloads 94.1 MB Pullover 1.3.0 Connect to the Pushover service and view all the alert messages pushed through your acc...
Integrated workflows Enjoy the convenience of faxing directly from any email service withiFax’s“Email to Fax” feature. Compose, attach, and send faxes directly from your linkedGmail,Yahoo,Outlook, andiCloudaccounts. Start Free Make the switch to iFax ...
Instant This event starts a Zap instantly.Try It Send Email Send a tracked email Action This is an event a Zap performs. Write Create a new record or update an existing record in your app.Apps Mailsuite SMS by Zapier About Mailsuite Mailsuite is an email tracker for Gmail...
constsgMail=require('@sendgrid/mail');require('dotenv').config();constrsvpUrl=''sgMail.setApiKey(process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY);constmsg={to:'RECIPIENT_EMAIL',From:'YOUR_EMAIL',// Your verified sender emailsubject:'RSVP for our event!',text:'Hello!\nYou ...
There's a neat little trick withGoogle Gmailthat allows you tomake unlimited free phone calls via the Internet. And if you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you can make calls through its Google Hangouts app. You read that right – you can make free data-based (VoIP) phon...
Thanks OP disabled PowerGenie, helps a lot with apps not getting nuked in background, also seems to help battery life a bit But sadly Gmail notifications still do not come in instantly, had to disable Doze for that. 1 … 10 11 12 13 You must log in or register to reply ...
Their Google’s G Suite integration enables users to send faxes from Google Docs, Google Sheets, Gmail, and even the Chrome browser. Integrations are available for free to all FAX.PLUS users. With FAX.PLUS Word add-in and email to fax feature, you can send and receive fax securely and ...