接收端按照来源IP,端口产生一个接收端session,然后接收数据,组织数据,检查丢包,发送丢包ack; 接收端设计了serversession及buffer,所以不用担心数据重发造成数据重复的问题,该结构读取方式已经直接避免了 3.辅助应用 因为是辅助,无法判断judpclient使用情况,所以利用java特点,在回收对象时设置逻辑关闭;同时控制时间,来判断...
20 Java DatagramPacket (UDP) maximum send/recv buffer size 13 Linux UDP max size of receive buffer 4 What is the maximum buffer length allowed by the sendto function in C 1 Winsock UDP socket receive buffer utilization 6 How to send UDP packets of size greater than 64 KB 0 How...
一、UDP协议 C# UdpClient乱序接收数据包丢失的问题 Socket ReceiveBufferSize 利用UdpClient收发文件,走Udp协议,发送端只管发送数据包,接收端负责接收数据,测试中发现,按每块1298字节发送数据包时,接收端在接收共8块时出现了部分数据包的丢失,分析可能是数据突然集中到达超出Socket接收缓冲区大小,造成数据覆盖丢失,因为...
Run the command netstat -nsu and see the Udp: section: 代码语言:javascript 复制 netstat-suUdp:559933412packets received71packets to unknown port received.33861296packet receive errors<---HERE7516291packets sent Socket buffer checking: The current system-wide default socket buffer size can be determine...
Received frames, optionally including FCS, are written in receive buffers located in system memory. The receive buffer depth is programmable in the range of 64 bytes to 16320 bytes. If received frames ...
gen_udp:listen(Port, [{recbuf, 4000000000}]) When I measure the buffer utilization, it shows: # netstat -u6anp | grep 5050 udp6 1409995136 0 :::5050 :::* 13483/beam.smp I can't exceed this 1.4GB. For smaller buffer sizes, like e.g. 500MB, actual buffer size matched the config...
Buffer 获取包含 UDP 数据包中所接收数据的缓冲区。 RemoteEndPoint 获取通过其接收 UDP 数据包的远程终结点。 方法 展开表 Equals(Object) 返回一个值,该值指示此实例是否与指定的对象相等。 Equals(UdpReceiveResult) 返回一个值,该值指示此实例是否与指定的对象相等。 GetHashCode() 返回此实例的哈希代码。
UdpTransportElement.SocketReceiveBufferSize 属性 参考 定义 命名空间: System.ServiceModel.Configuration 程序集: System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll 获取或设置 UDP 传输元素内的接收缓冲区大小的值。 C# 复制 [System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("socketReceiveBufferSize", Defaul...