SR-C SR-C UT100H + Artificial leather and Ultra suede (with seat heating) SR-C UT100 + Artificial leather and Ultra suede (without seat heating) SR-C BK100H + Kamui and Brilliant mesh (with seat heating) SR-C BK100 + Kamui and Brilliant mesh (without seat heating) Learn more...
2024年RECARO座椅新品。新的SR-S和SR-C座椅是全新的设计,所有材料(框架和泡沫部件)和部件都是全新的,不与目前的SR-6、SR-7或SR-7F共享部件。 连斜把手都不一样!,接受预订#热爱改装分享 #出货实拍 #座椅改装 #改 - 威声works零件行(瑞宸零件百货店)于20240221发布在抖音,已
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c +关注 Garlap 23-05-5 15:49 发布于 广东 来自 微博网页版 官方宣传:RECARO SR7 专为亚洲人打造的运动座椅。单从外观能显示设计者别出心裁,外观新颖脱俗,给人以舒适运动之感!但是论颜值我还是觉得CS会更加帅气。作为一款日本原装进口的座椅,在性能与舒适之间取得完美平衡,支持无段式可调靠背、四点式...
RECARO SR-C Need more help? WE ARE HERE FOR YOU Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our products or services. The RECARO service team or your local RECARO partner will be happy to assist you. Contact your RECARO partner in Asia...
马自达3昂克赛拉升级日本RECARO SR7 Advanced edition座椅,三种特殊材质加持,人体工程学设计,可以舒舒服服开车接女友[憨笑]