注册提交后会获得 一个 site key( 应用于网站 ) 和一个 secret key (服务端需要保留) image.png //测试site key6LcnsdchAAAAABR0V67R-Ahg3AvVAMseWqorv2wh//测试secret key6LcnsdchAAAAAOL-6QUpUeZJ14QqEeR8TgckC_ln 2. 网站使用 reCAPTCHA v2 客户端: reCAPTCHA demo: Explicit render after an onl...
2. 接入 (1) site key To start using reCAPTCHA, you need to sign up for an API key pair for your site. The key pair consists of a site key and secret key. The site key is used to invoke reCAPTCHA service on your site or mobile application. The secret key authorizes communication bet...
接受到前端传来的 token,需要传到谷歌服务器验证。 functionRcheckToken($token){$id='your serverid';$url='https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api/siteverify';$data=array('response'=>$token,'secret'=>$id);$ch=curl_init();curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url);curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_...
1. Google自己的风险检测引擎 2. 依赖于你的cookie,你必须有一定的活动天数 3. 你点击那个单选框的...
Then click on "Configure reCAPTCHA V2 (Invisible reCAPTCHA badge)". Copy the "Site key" value from the Google reCAPTCHA page and paste it into the "Site Key" field. Copy the "Secret key" value from the Google reCAPTCHA page and past it into the "Secret Key" field. ...
You will find a form, input label as your website name. Choose the type of reCAPTCHA as 'reCAPTCHA v2'. Enter your domain name inside 'Domains'. Accept terms & conditions. Click on register. After registration you will get your 'site key' and 'secret'. ...
要使用reCAPTCHA v2 (“I am not a robot”),请展开reCAPTCHA v2 (“I am not a robot”)部分并执行以下操作: 对于Google API Website Key,请输入在注册Google reCAPTCHA帐户时为此reCAPTCHA类型创建的网站密钥。 对于Google API Secret Key,输入与您的Google reCAPTCHA帐户关联的密钥。
Checks if form has been submittedif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { function post_captcha($user_response) { $fields_string = ''; $fields = array( 'secret' => 'PVT KEY', 'response' => $user_response ); foreach($fields as $key=>$value) $fields_string .= $key . ...
After your site is registered, you need to copy the given Site Key and the Secret Key to Everest Forms reCAPTCHA settings. However, thisSite keyandSecret keywill not work for other reCAPTCHA types. Note:For each reCAPTCHA type, there is a different pair of keys. Meaning each reCAPTCHA type...