Option 1: Adding the Proper Domain The most effective way to resolve this is to add the correct domain name to the site key: Visithttps://www.google.com/recaptcha/adminand log into your Google account Choose your correct Site Key from the dropdown list Click on Settings In theDomainssection...
Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and helping to make Electron better. The version of Electron you reported this on has been superseded by newer releases. If you're still experiencing this issue in Electron 6.x.y or later, please add a comment specifying the version you'...
在我的HTML中的form中,我有。 但当我加载表格时,我得到这个错误。 ERROR: Invalid domain for site key 我已经确认这是我的域名的正确密钥。 该代码目前在一个子域中,所以我想也许这就是问题所在,所以我也将该子域添加到谷歌reCAPTCHA管理中,但仍然得到错误。 完全相同的代码在不同的域中100%地工作(有一...
谷歌的reCAPTCHA是特定于领域的,所以当在Github的电子应用程序中使用时,它会给出以下错误ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key。可能是因为在电子应用程序中,文件是用file:///协议加载的,因此在加载验证码时不会发送referer报头。我正在使用electron ...
谷歌的reCAPTCHA是特定于领域的,所以当在Github的电子应用程序中使用时,它会给出以下错误ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key。可能是因为在电子应用程序中,文件是用file:///协议加载的,因此在加载验证码时不会发送referer报头。我正在使用electron ./来运行应用程序。在电子应用程序中加载reCAPT ...
Hello Friends: Version: gitlab-ce-13.5.4-ce.0.el7.x86_64 (Fedora / CentOS RPM) Error: ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key (reCAPTCHA) ...
Invalid domain for site key Diagnosis When using issue collectors with Jira, there isn't a requirement to submit a reCAPTCHA when submitting data.This appears to be specific to a feature that comes with the third-party plugin ReVitalized Issue Collector for Jira. Cause According to ...
Problem description It is possible to open index.docker.io from a webbrowser and the website does not redirect to hub.docker.com so when people visit the site, they see an error message: ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key ...
这些是可能的错误代码: missing-input-secret:secret 参数丢失。 invalid-input-secret:secret 参数无效或格式错误。 missing-input-response:缺少响应参数。 invalid-input-response:响应参数无效或格式错误。 bad-request:请求无效或格式错误。 timeout-or-duplicate:响应不再有效;要么太旧,要么以前用过。
If the site key and secret key are input correctly, you will see the reCAPTCHA icon display right below the password form. Single password form with reCAPTCHA v2 Sitewide login form with reCAPTCHA v2 An error message will be shown if the keys are invalid. ...