Whenever you think your family has drama, just think about this episode of American Horror Story. In "Continium," we learned what happened after Kit (Evan Peters) and Grace (Lizzie Brocheré), came across an alive Alma (Britne Oldford) with a baby, and it's as dysfunctional as it com...
It’s been a long, strange, exceptionally stabby ride on this season of American Horror Story, but it all ends here. Ahead of us lies a wasteland of grunge musicians, heroin chic, overplucked eyebrows, and eventually [screams] Britney, bitch. But for the next hour, it’s forever eightie...
but we’ve arrived at this understanding through means that aren’t only at the expense of logic, but feel obviously engineered. For one, no credible reason has yet to be offered for why Ivy (Alison Pill) would fight alongside Kai’s new dude-bro bodyguards; Winter (Billie Lourd) h...
For better and worse, the horror onAmerican Horror Story: Cultis all text and no subtext. Take the title of “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark,” which isn’t some abstract nod to our needing to face the fears lurking in the darkness of our lives, but a reference to the blackout ...
In tonight's first installment of a two-part episode,American Horror Story: Asylumgives us the story behind Grace (Lizzie Brocheré), an update on poor Shelley (Chloë Sevigny) and Lana (Sarah Paulson) tries to "cure" herself. Plus, Anne Frank, the girl who was murdered by the Nazis ...
The evil queen ofAmerican Horror Story, Constance, that’s who. The ironic, punchline to this twisted-clever skewering of our toxic, esteem-poisoning youth & beauty culture: In the very next moment, we got that shot of another culture-warped female, Bianca, puking up one of Constance’s ...
Overall,American Horror Storyis still unlike anything else currently on TV, and we're very much looking forward to its return next fall. But just as we said last week, we've seen enough of both the Harmonsandthe Murder House. Take advantage of the all-inclusive title and give us a who...
American Horror Story Open House Season 1 Episode 7 «Previous Next» Photo: FX 1994 was apparently a big year for murder in the American Horror Story universe. Most of us remember it as the year that Taco Bell cruelly discontinued “Extreme Nachos” and that the Eagles got back ...
s childhood home on Wednesday’sAmerican Horror Story: Apocalypseproved even more enlightening — and more unsettling — than they could have possibly imagined.But, hey, at least they had plenty of potential witnesses to interrogate; all told, a total of 36 souls apparently inhabit the Harmon...
And now a reading from the file marked “You Know You’re Getting Close to the Season Finale of American Horror Story When… ”: Going into Wednesday’s Roanoke, Matt, Agnes, Rory, Sidney and then some were dead; Audrey, Lee and Monet had been invited to be supper by the Polks; ...