Microsoft 365 专属 OutlookOutlook 2024Outlook 2021Outlook 2019Outlook 2016Office 商业版Outlook 网页版Outlook.comiPhone 版我的 Office新的 Outlook for 邮件召回在选择“”后可用,并且仅当你和收件人在同一组织中具有 Microsoft 365 工作或学校电子邮件帐户时,才可用。 无法召回发送到 Hotmail、Gma...
步骤一:打开已发送邮件 (Step 1: Open the Sent Email) 打开Microsoft Outlook。 在左侧菜单中,点击“已发送邮件”文件夹。 找到并双击要撤回的邮件,以打开它。 步骤二:选择撤回选项 (Step 2: Select the Recall Option) 在打开的邮件窗口中,点击“文件”菜单。 选择“信息”选项。 在“信息”页面中,找到并...
步骤一:打开已发送邮件(Step 1: Open the Sent Email) 首先,您需要找到您想要撤回的邮件。请按照以下步骤操作: 打开Outlook客户端。 在左侧导航栏中,点击“已发送邮件”(Sent Items)文件夹。 找到您希望撤回的邮件,并双击打开。 步骤二:选择撤回邮件(Step 2: Select Recall This Message) 打开邮件后,您需要找到...
Recalling an email in Outlook typically takes a few minutes to complete. To start the process first open the Sent Items folder and locate the message you want to recall. Right-click on it, then select “Recall This Message” from the menu. After selecting whether you want to replace the ...
Here are the steps on how to retract an email in Outlook: Click the ‘Sent Items’ folder Open the message you want to recall Choose ‘File,’ then ‘Info’ Click ‘Message Resend and Recall,’ then ‘Recall This Message’ You can now choose one of the following: ...
常见邮件客户端的撤回操作 (Recall Operations in Common Email Clients) 1.Outlook邮件撤回 (Recalling Emails in Outlook) Outlook是微软推出的一款邮件客户端,广泛应用于企业和个人用户中。其邮件撤回功能相对完善,操作步骤如下: 打开Outlook客户端,进入“已发送邮件”文件夹。
Note:This feature isn't available in Outlook for Mac. SeeRecall an email in Outlook for Mac. Start guided support Or,select a taboption below for the version of Outlook you're using. What version of Outlook do I have?
Outlook tips to avoid email mishaps Recalling an email in Outlook FAQ How recalling an email in Outlook works While there is some hope of retrieving that message and saving yourself a bit of embarrassment, there are a lot of factors at play that determine the success of the recall. As Micro...
Step 1. Proceed to Sent Mail and locate the email message that you sent and want to recall now. Next, double-click to open that email.Sent mail folder Step 2. At the top of the Microsoft Outlook menu bar, click Message. Next, find the Move section and select More Move Actions....
within minutes your action should be completed, although some recipients may receive an alert informing them that their mailboxes were opened at the time of sending. how to recall an email in outlook 365? recalling an email in outlook 365 is quick and easy. first, open the sent folder, ...