Rec Room’s in-house Creative Team took a broad and experimental approach, evaluating over 20 different GenAI tools to identify which had the most potential to benefit Rec Room’s creative community. Since Rec Room Studio is built on top of Unity 3D, all of the GenAI tools mentioned in thi...
“玩家一直告诉我们他们想要和没有头显的朋友一同游戏。在去年我们听取了反馈并推出了屏幕模式,允许PS4或PC上的玩家与VR玩家一起体验《Rec Room》,”该公司在声明中写道。“我们看到了社区的巨大增长和创造力,我们期待在2019年把《Rec Room》带到更多的平台上。” 来源:uploadvr...
Room temperature and humidity were recorded twice daily throughout the study and the room lighting was on a 12:12 h light–dark cycle. Pigs were monitored at least twice daily throughout the study assessing physical appearance, activity, alertness, body condition, and behavior. The pig's ...