Tom ClaytonDecember 27, 2024 Notability is a versatile note-taking application that has gained popularity among students and professionals alike for its robust features and user-friendly interface. Disclosure As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from You...
Comparison of MCNP and INSREC-HEP codes for Radiation Evaluation at the Maze entrance of Treatment RoomGenerally, in the treatment room using the high energy Linac, the dose at the maze entrance caused by photoneutron except photon has an influence on the patients and workers. Because of this...
Also there is only so much space on the rgcs server, so it deletes old posts to make room for the new, but large files and HTML will take up extra space that could be used to keep other older posts on the server for longer. Posting HTML or binaries will likely get you flamed by...
falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits each year in the United States, signifying the high frequency of these accidents. The consequences of such mishaps can range from minor
During recordings, the participants listened to semantically diverse naturalistic sentences that were played to them in a random order. This amounted to an average of 459 ± 24 unique words or 1,052 ± 106 word tokens (± s.e.m) across 131 ± 13 sentences per participant ...
for many molecular downstream tasks. It is important to note that all of these results were obtained with a pre-training of 50 million molecules, which is relatively small compared to other large pre-training approaches and still has room for better performance with more data and parameters. We...