A sliding-window multi-carrier communication system is described, wherein the carriers are orthogonal in a local sense, but not necessarily in a global sense. In one embodiment, the system allows a reduction of the length of the basis function time as compared to conventional OFDM systems. In...
A sliding-window multi-carrier communication system is described, wherein the carriers are orthogonal in a local sense, but not necessarily in a global sense. In one embodiment, the system allows a reduction of the length of the basis function time as compared to conventional OFDM systems. In...
We propose to insert spectral redundancy into an OFDM signal through data-symbol repetition to form a paramorphic multicarrier waveform. A paramorphic FRESH demodulator is then developed to exploit the time-varying spectral redundancy designed into the signal. A signal model is created in Section 3....
Note 3: According to the Radio Regulations, for satellite services multichannel or multicarrier transmitters/transponders, where several carriers may be transmitted simultaneously from a final output amplifier or an active antenna, the centre frequency of the emission is taken to be the centre of the...
The method provided in an embodiment of the present invention comprises: a receiving party obtaining data symbols on a first subcarrier on a first multicarrier symbol; obtaining an interference coefficient of an interference amount generated by a known symbol in the data symbols; determining the ...
{2}), j=1,\ldots,N\). Although in actual multicarrier systems neighboring subcarriers will typically experience correlated fading, in the present work, this effect is neglected as its impact on SKG has been treated in numerous contributions in the past [71–73] and will not enhance the ...
The invention relates to a method for reducing signaling overhead in a multicarrier system with dynamic bit allocation per subcarrier and to a corresponding transmitter/receiver device, wherein an established bit allocation table (BAT) that is provided with an index (I) is stored in a BAT ...
Outage Trade-Offs Between Full/Half-Duplex Relaying for NOMA Aided Multicarrier Cooperative D2D Communications SystemDevice-to-device communicationsFull-duplexOutage probabilityQuality-of-serviceSignal-to-interference-plus-noise ratioNon-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and full-duplex (FD) have recently ...
MIMO-OFDM-IM is an effective multicarrier transmission scheme and can be proposed as an alternative to conventional MIMO-OFDM system. In this scheme, OFDM-IM is combined with MIMO transmission to take the benefits of these two techniques. In this paper, we propose a joint channel estimation ...
universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC)carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimationminimum mean-square-error (MMSE)UFMC receiverIn the paper, we propose a complexity-reduced receiver for a universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC) system, which efficiently eliminates the residual carrier frequency offset (CFO)...