REBLOOMING BEARDED IRISFeatures the "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine and White Flower Farm's collections of reblooming tall bearded iris. Best Bet; Bountiful Harvest; Jennifer Rebecca; Mother Earth.Better Homes & Gardens
为研究多季花有髯鸢尾杂交后代性状的遗传规律,以多季花有髯鸢尾品种Iris ‘Halston’(赫氏蓝)和I.‘White and Yellow’(白与黄)为杂交亲本,构建杂交F1代群体和回交BC1代群体。表型性状统计分析结果表明:1) F1和BC1的二次花率分别提高到24.14%和35.18%;2)与观赏性紧密相关的垂瓣长度和旗瓣长度,垂瓣宽度和旗瓣...
HeritabilityThe reblooming bearded iris ( Iris germanica L.) could bloom in not only spring, but also autumn. The additional blooming seasons bring the phenotypic differences between the once-bloomers and the rebloomers. However, the lack of studies on the rebloomers' phenotypic variations largely...