名稱:STAR WARS™ Rebellion 類型:策略 開發人員:Coolhand Interactive 發行商:LucasArts,Lucasfilm,Disney 系列作:Star Wars 發行日期:1998 年 2 月 28 日 檢視更新歷史記錄閱讀相關新聞檢視討論區尋找社群群組 嵌入 在Steam 上查看 Star Wars 的所有作品 ...
`A Star Wars fan (especially fancy the "Wars")`Can stand old stylesthan this game suits you well!(some comments said their computer have buggies, my window 7 runs well) 这篇评测是否有价值? 是 否 欢乐 奖励 1 人觉得这篇评测有价值 渣渣程 帐户内拥有 1,403 项产品 871 篇评测 推荐...
辛普森一家 The Simpsons Game PS2 PSP Wii (2007-10-30) 注:Rebellion负责PS2、PSP、Wii版的移植工作,EA负责发行。 星球大战前线:叛变军团 Star Wars: Battlefront - Renegade Squadron PSP (2007-11-09) 注:本作由Rebellion Developments负责制作,LucasArts负责发行 异形大战铁血战士:挽歌 Aliens vs. Predator: ...
STAR WARS™ Rebellion 通过 用于 Windows 的 Steam 提供。需要申请免费的 Steam 账户。 描述 It is a time of great upheaval. The first Death Star has been destroyed, marking a major victory for the Rebellion. But the Empire remains strong. As commander, you must choose to take control of eit...
The Simpsons Game PS2 PSP Wii (2007-10-30) 注:Rebellion负责PS2、PSP、Wii版的移植工作,EA负责发行。 星球大战前线:叛变军团 Star Wars: Battlefront - Renegade Squadron PSP (2007-11-09) 注:本作由Rebellion Developments负责制作,LucasArts负责发行 ...
After a brief hiatus caused by illness and other things, a couple of the Geeks came back with a truly epic game of Star Wars: Rebellion that climaxed with the perfect Star Wars ending. SW:R is basically a 2-player (though it can be played with 4) strategy game set in the Star Wars...
Game runs in a small fixed size window, set Native resolution in OS Instability:Occasionally Sometimes crashes when you skip the intro movies Would not run with the default Proton, forcing Experimental and Native resolution makes the game play well provided you autocomplete the space battles. The ...
account for troop movements, and rally systems to your cause. Featuring more than 150 plastic miniatures and two game boards that account for thirty-two of theStar Wars™ galaxy’s most notable star systems,Star Wars™: Rebellion aspires to be as large and sweeping as theStar Wars™ univ...
Star Wars: Rebellion 主题扮演策略烧脑 主题扮演/策略烧脑 "扮演帝国或反叛军开始一场较量吧!" 桌游介绍: 大型美式桌游——《星球大战:叛乱》介绍 长发青年2025-03-05 13:59:16
Star Wars: Rebellion: Scott Witte द्वारा निर्देशित. Tony Pope, Milton James, Neil Ross, Nick Jameson के साथ. Take control of either the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire as you vie for the s