Qualifying AC units Work with a qualified contractor Estimated savings Apply for the SRP Cool Cash™ Rebate Other ways to improve your AC FAQ Questions? Upgrade to an energy-efficient AC and save If you’re considering a new AC unit, heat pump or mini-split system, the SRP Cool Cash...
Commercial New Construction Performance Program Get rebates for constructing high-performance, energy-efficient commercial, multi-unit residential or light industrial buildings. Up to $500,000 Condensing make-up, air handling and rooftop units Install a high-efficiency rooftop condensing make-up air unit...
The LEED Green Building Rating System issues points across five categories to those striving to attain LEED status for new commercial construction or major renovation of commercial buildings, as well as multifamily and mixed-use developments that are five units or greater, or four Last Update ...
Rebates for new construction are limited to 10 charging ports or five dual port stations. For existing structures, the limit is $50,000 maximum per street address, including charging station(s) and installation costs. Please visit the DNREC website for full details and eligibility for the EV ...