Briefly explain why the high rates of unemployment in a nation are of concern to economists. Why is high unemployment bad? Explain why unemployment is wasteful. Why did the unemployment rate stay high for a long time after the recession of 2009? Why is there unemployment even when ...
Economic growth is low and unemployment high. Beggars with cardboard signs plead with drivers as they stop at red lights. That is, when the lights are working; during power cuts they go dark. 经济增速缓慢,失业率高企。在司机等待红灯时,乞丐举着硬纸壳做的牌子向司机行乞。当然,那是在红绿灯仍然...
1. Your state is slow to process jobless benefits applications The most likely reason why you haven’t yet received your unemployment check is probably also the most frustrating: State unemployment agencies are hard-pressed to process them in a timely manner. This could be the underlying reason ...
Deciding to step away from a job is not always easy, especially if you’ve been with the same employer for years or are not financially stable enough to risk months of unemployment. If you are thinking of leaving without another job lined up, make sure you have a financial cushion to tid...
There are several reasons why India is a poor country. Some have historical roots and others derive strength from socio-political structures. Lack of effective governance and corruption has only sustained Indian poverty.
Michael Snyder
Did you know that as of 2018,the unemployment rate for those with a college degreeis 2.1% compared to the 4.2% it is for those with only a high school diploma? A college degree demonstrates to employers that you have dedicated the time and energy required to be a reliable employee who ...
Why is high inflation bad? Identify two reasons why it is difficult to measure inflation in the United States, and explain each reason in a couple complete sentences. (There are at least four reasons you could mention, for example: changes in the quality of goods and services, spe ...
It says that a new law in Belgium grants prostituteshealth insurance, a pension, maternity and holiday leave, and unemployment benefits. It also requires that their pimps have to install a safety buzzer they can press which allows them to stop sessions whenever they want. ...
550 Words 3 Pages Open Document Have you ever felt that you could be unemployed and not making enough money but if you go to college those problems will go away.So i’m going to give you three reasons why you should go to college.College is very worth going to because you can make ...