解析 I will vote for Li Ming because he is responsible and organized. He always completes his tasks on time and keeps everything in order. I believe he will be a great leader for our class, guiding us effectively and ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard. 我会投票给李明,因为他是一个...
10 Reasons Why You Should Vote: VOTE AND MAKE THE DIFFERENCEBapat, Kavita
States can recall votes, and citizens can impeach bad candidates. The major check is “We the People.” The candidates have terms to their offices, and we get to vote for who will serve the next term
Two million reasons why women should always use their vote That is how many people signed a petition in 1867 demanding women's suffrage - yet in the run-up to next year's election, voter apathy is rife. Scotland's suffragettes made unimaginable sacrifices for the cause, says LOUISE GRAY, ...
Well, it couldn't be easier to find out what each one stands for: Meet the candidates here Watch the Candidate Speeches here. Or find them out on campus until Friday 21st February and ask them about what they plan to do for you and why you should vote for them. ...
Dr. John Delony Relationships 10 Tips for How to Make Friends 11 min read Ready to meet new people? Here are 10 ways to make new friends, plus a few things you should avoid when you’re building lasting relationships. Dr. John Delony...
Vote up the best tales of turning to a PI. From lost puppies to cheating spouses,these storiesrun the gamut from creepy to funny when it comes to people using private investigators to get to the bottom of personal mysteries. Here is a small selection of stories featuring private investigators...
A July poll by Pew also showed, however, that only 34 percent of people knew that TARP was enacted under President Bush, not Obama. "No politician is going to call for a revival of TARP. It really has been reviled by the public," says Gattuso. Elliott agrees, calling TARP "the best...
recommends that delegations should endeavour not to request such a vote except when there are good and sound reasons for doing so unachina.org 特别委员会虽认为不必修改有关唱名表决的议事规则,但建议代表 团,除有充分正当理由外,应尽量 避免要求唱名表决 [第 247 段]。 unachina.org I am glad ...
Reading Time:3minutesDr. James I. Lamb, Executive Director, Lutherans for Life “I could never vote for anyone who favors the destruction of innocent life in the womb,” Sam stated bluntly. Fred replied, “I’m opposed to abortion as much as you are, Sam, but there are other issues ...