I've asked friends and family how much recess is provided at their schools, and it's so much less than I got as a child. We got so much that I remember walking around bored on the playground. That's what I want for my kids. I want them to be outside, bored and roaming, playin...
because you know, “You’re not here to socialize.” For goodness sake, you couldn’t even quietly pass a note. Kids literally only have a few minutes at recess and lunch, or in between classes to talk. Maybe that’s why conversation devolves into slang and 4-letter words. But I’m...
A few of you guys have asked about the homeschooling. Here’s the deal: for us, for now, it rocks. We’re all in. It feelsright. But homeschooling your kids is akin to getting another job, and most people already have one or two jobs. So I’m happy to talk about why I love ...
The bill appears doomed to fail in the Senate. Not a single Republican will support the legislation, and it’s not scheduled for a vote before the lawmakers take their month-long recess on August 8. Even with the backing of President Joe Biden, there seems to be no appetite for re-banni...