Dog breeding is a business practice that profits from the reproductive systems of dogs. Our personal preferences for specific breeds cause health problems to the dogs as a result. Furthermore, orphaned dogs are massively overpopulated, and each time we support a newly bred pup, we compromise the...
If parasites live in your dog’s system, it could explain why they are trying to get more nutrition from eating their poop. Consult with a veterinarian to see if this is a possibility for your dog with coprophagia. Good news: there are many ways todeal with intestinal parasites in dogs. ...
Splooting maybe your dog’s favorite resting position, especially if they are a breed that is well known for the behavior. However, if your dog suddenly begins to display this behavior and it’s out of character for them, it’s important to monitor their health closely, especially if they ...
cycle, and 26% after their second heat. If a dog is spayed after 2 years of age, then there is no more protection. However, it will protect her against other conditions, including pyometra (see below). This is the reason why most vets typically recommend spaying before the 1st heat ...
10. If Pebbles was purchased from a pet store, she probably came from an awful breeding facility where she was kept in horrific conditions, deprived of proper veterinary care, and otherwise neglected and abused. Teachers may be supporting businesses like this when they buy a “class pet.”...
When you’re a dog lover, the time for education is never done. That’s why our experts offer tips on all the ways to nurture and care for your dog. Caring & Knowledgable Dog Breeders in Lancaster PA Ask for more information about our Keystone Accredited Breeders program! The breeders wh...
of energy, this dog can become destructive, especially if he is a young dog and kept in a confined space. The simplest way of putting it is to say that the Golden Retriever is primarily an dog for outdoors because they’re full of energy instinctively due to their breeding and experience...
aInvestigate its deep-seated reasons, we can see the basis of our current food safety of pork is relatively weak, comprehensive capabilities pig breeding, slaughtering, processing and circulation sales and other aspects of the body is weak, the quality and safety behavior is not standardized, low...
Not to put the cart before the horse, but I am the kind of person that needs a dog in my life and I wonder if a greyhound would actually be a good choice. My first question is: I am drawn to the breed, especially after reading all the above comments, but I really need to ...
Centuries of selective breeding have left many with the misconception that a dog’s genetic makeup determines its personality. “In a way, cloning companies are preying on this ignorance, if you will, about what’s actually going on scientifically,” Pierce tells me over the phone. “And tha...