When a cat licks its lips a lot and then vomits, it’s usually due to an issue with the digestive system. The most common causes are gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), and liver disease. Cats with these conditions typical...
Why Does My Dog Eat Grass? Causes of Dog Vomit and What They Mean Steps to Take If Your Dog Is Vomiting Blood OUR BRANDS Prescription Diet Science Diet BROWSE BY AGE FOR DOGS Puppy Adult (1-6) Adult (7+) FOR CATS Kitten Adult (1-6) Adult (7+) EDUCATION Cat Articles And Tips...
26. The dog ran away, out the broken fence. We need to fix the fence. He’s a sweet dog. I love that dog. I need to pay more attention to the dog. Sorry, dog. (No worries. We found the dog.) Hey. Hey you. I AM EMBRACING MOTHERHOOD, just not at this moment. Why isn’t...