According to KXNET, last July 21st Emme Aipperspach came into the Target store with the intention of looking for some school items - just any other day - “I was just browsing the notebooks, as any good English teacher would, and I suddenly felt really hot, light-headed, heard the whis...
During the Great Tribulation, God will have to shorten the daylight hours because the sun will be scorching man.Revelation 16:8-9Global ozone depletion is being blamed for the blinding of kangaroos in Australia as well as penguins and polar bears at the So. Pole where animals are also develo...
Whether you invest in a bag of candy, a box of pocky, or even an ear of corn, practicallyeverythingin Japan is individually wrapped. Once in a while, it will make sense, but most of the time you will find yourself wondering why anyone would waste so much wrapping. The worst part? Y...