Reasons to Stay Alive is about making the most of your time on earth. In the western world the suicide rate is highest amongst men under the age of 35. Matt Haig could have added to that statistic when, aged 24, he found himself staring at a cliff-edge about to jump off. This is ...
华研 > 英文原版 活下去的理由 Reasons to Stay Alive 抑郁症 自我救赎 传记 Matt Haig 进口原版书籍 英文版 广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.9 高 物流履约: 4.4 中 售后服务: 4.4 中 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 ...
最近读了本小书:Matt Haig 的Reasons to Stay Alive。 之前读过他的The Midnight Library,很好读,也很受鼓励。这本 Reasons to Stay Alive 讲抑郁症。Matt Haig 一开始就说没想到自己能活到今天,他希望用自己的经历帮助大家直面抑郁: 全书256 页,大部分章节都很短,用词也不难。整体像是日记碎碎念,有跟自己...
活下去的理由 英文原版 Reasons to Stay Alive 马特海格 Matt Haig 走出抑郁的生命之旅 英文版 进口原版英语心理学畅销书籍 一致认可的年度治愈之作点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥98.00 降价通知 限时抢 暂无评分 11人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 Matt Haig 查看作品 出版 Canongate Books Ltd,2020年05月 查看作品 ...
《活着的理由Reasons to Stay Alive Matt Haig励志心路回忆录 英文原版 成长治愈 善本图书》,作者:活着的理由Reasons to Stay Alive Matt Haig励志心路回忆录 英文原版 成长治愈 善本图书Matt Haig 著,出版社:Canongate,ISBN:9781782116820。
By Matt Haig And most of all, books. They were, in and of themselves, reasons to stay alive. Every book written is the product of a human mind in a particular state. Add all the books together and you get the end sum of humanity. Every time I read a great book I felt I was re...
"Reasons to Stay Alive"Quotes By Matt Haig 节选自《活下去的理由》 作者:马特·海格 “Life is waiting for you. You might be stuck here for a while, but the world isn’t going anywhere. Hang on in there if you can. Life is always worth it.” ...
在Apple Music 上收听Andy Burrows & Matt Haig的《Reasons to Stay Alive》。2019年。11 首歌曲。时长:38 分钟