Hansen E, Pawlik M (2004) Reasons against the retransfusion of unwashed wound blood. Transfusion 44:45S–53SHansen E, Hansen MP. Reasons against the retransfusion of unwashed wound blood. Transfusion 2004; 44 (Suppl 12): 45S-53S.
A scenario is presented in which a wife's request for religious reasons, and in accordance with her husband's wishes, that her husband not be given a potentially life-saving blood transfusion was ignored by the doctors. Her husband subsequently died. The question then arose whether her husband...
Treatment Experience for a Child with Ewing Sarcoma who Refused to Receive Blood Transfusions for Religious Reasons as a Jehovah 上传人:jrlib20·上传时间:2024-10-24 0% 0% 0% 0% 94%
If I had received a blood transfusion at birth I’d never have gotten cerebral palsy. The doctor at that time did not believe it would help. Today I’m legally considered disabled. I’m unable to write (although I can type somewhat) and I speak with great difficulty. I have trouble…...
a) What precautions(s) would you recommend to a patient requiring repeated blood transfusion? b) If the advise is not followed by the patient, there is an apprehension that the patient might contract a disease that would destroy the immune system of his/he body. Explain with the help of ...
Answer to: The blood type O- is the universal blood donor and the blood type AB+ is the universal blood recipient. Explain the reasons. By signing...
(1) people around here are willing to help their neighbors; (2) this is a close-knit neighborhood; (3) people in this neighborhood can be trusted; (4) people in this neighborhood generally do not get along; and (5) people in this neighborhood do not share the same values (Cronbach ...
There’s a hidden problem:You have to live near enough to a major city to get broadband Internet. If you don’t,it's slow dial-up access for you. And for those living really far out,there may be no Internet access at all. Technology experts often talk about the “last mile” proble...
If you see signs of this condition in your dog, you should take the dog to an emergency vet clinic immediately. Your dog may need a blood transfusion to give the vet time to determine and treat the causes of the dog's anemia.
blood, while the female will have about 1.17 gallons of blood. If they live at a high altitude, though, both will have more blood. The reason is that higher altitudes have lower oxygen levels, so thebody makes more blood(more on that later) to support the oxygen it needs to survive. ...