书中还有一段话同样触动我这样的高敏体:You hate yourself. That is because you are sensitive.Pretty much every human could find a reason to hate themselves if they thought about it as much as you did. We’re all total bastards, us humans, but also totally wonderful. 3. …once the storm ...
There are likely many reasons why you want to become an entrepreneur. Maybe you want to be your own boss, create a legacy for your kids, or are driven by a powerful mission. Just be sure that you know why before opening your doors.
and we’re not that keen on getting extraattentionfor our successes. We worry it’s a little egotistical and possibly evennarcissisticto talk about our achievements, even though we have every right to. More importantly, we have the right to be proud of them....
Committing to a weight loss journey is an accomplishment. Identifying exactly what you are proud of in your journey so far can be motivating as you plan to carry your healthy habits forward for life.
Excerpt From: Haig, Matt. “Reasons to Stay Alive (HC).” Canongate Books Ltd, 2015-03-26T22:00:00+00:00. iBooks.This material may be protected by copyright.“I had a mother and a father and a sister and a girlfriend. That was four people right there who loved me. I wished ...
“If you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won’t like you. It may not be easy, but it’s essential if you want your life to reflect your de...
Your company should compensate you fairly based on your experience and years with the company. If you have positioned yourself for a pay bump but management is chronically unwilling or unable to raise your salary, it may be time to move on. ...
Why you should accept yourself just as you are 1.) You are a work in progress Don’t beat yourself up or speak negatively to yourself because you aren’t perfect. Perfection is a myth. Focus on being the best you that you can be. ...
Reasons for leaving a job can vary from candidate to candidate. On your application or during an interview, recruiters may ask you to explain why you left a job. Understanding how to properly explain this reason to interviewers can help you present yourself as a high-quality candidate. In ...
You could also find yourself on the receiving end of an assessment. What's that, you say? Every month, a portion of your condo fees goes into the development's reserves. That's where the condo association gets the money to fund occasional projects, such as repainting the building's exteri...