doi:10.52380/ijcer.2023.10.2.408elik, Seda KerimgilInternational Journal of Contemporary Educational Research
The purpose of this study was to describe perceptions of female high school teachers who after teaching five or less years in a southeastern Georgia school system, chose to leave the profession. This study was guided by a symbolic interactionist framework and grounded theory research design. Face-...
circumstance wherethereasonsgiven are whollyunrelatedtothe affairs of the company. 相反,如董事請辭的理由與公司事務完全無關,則公司無須作 出披露。 Each of the Board members has confirmed that ...
4. Teaching is a respectable profession I’m the first to admit that teachers are often underappreciated, but our societydoesrespect the many sacrifices that teachers are asked to make. Teaching is also one of the most trusted professions;according to ratings byForbes, high school teachers fall ...
I suspect very few teachers point out that everyday questions like “Does putting an item on sale increase long-term sales?” or “How can I get people to like me more?” can be approached using the scientific method. In my view, the content of education should be dramatically overhauled...
better consolidated when people study at the time when they are supposed to be awake rather than, say, late-night sessions." It cited the need for research on "the memory capacity of the poor in low-income countries" to enable teachers to better help underprivileged students learn basic ...
With few exceptions, software developers are financially compensated for the professional static that comes with the territory. While money isn't everything, it's something—and many professionals (teachers, for instance) endure a lot for a little. Amidst the throngs of miserable, disgruntled, you...
If you decide to be a digital nomad, you are making the decision to reduce your learning curve and be able to learn from any mistakes you make earlier on. When you’re in school, you look up to your teachers because they know what they’re doing. They’re the ones that teach you ...
rather THE MOST important. Many institutes have cropped up with sub standard training facilities and teachers and continue to produce sub par cadets. It is not uncommon for cadets to face difficulty during oral examinations owing to the limited teaching imparted to them at their respective in...
Is it true?I don’t think so. Here are the top five reasons why being a “jack of all trades,” what I prefer to call a “generalist,” is making a comeback: 5) “Jack of all trades, master of none” is an artificial pairing. ...