The reasons why studentschooseto leave school are the increase of college costs, bad grades, and teen pregnancy. The first reason of dropout is that students cannot pay the expensive tuition. In terms of the United States, it is the one of the highest cost of education in the world (Hau...
Reasons for School Dropout: A Case Study in Southern Chilean SchoolsHernández, Carlos ArriagadaJiménez, Carolina FloresManzano, Cristhoffer ManzanoGiakoni-Ramírez, FranoDuclos-Bastias, DanielMiranda, David G.Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry...
7. One of the main reasons for the traffic jam was an accident on the highway. 交通堵塞的主要原因之一是高速公路上发生了一起事故。 8. One of the main reasons why students dropout of school is due to financial problems. 学生辍学的主要原因之一是经济问题。 9. One of the main reasons I ...
American high schools have a dropout rate (辍学率) of up to 50%. There are many reasons for students leaving school: ● For two thirds of the dropouts, motivation (动力) is the problem. They can’t just work hard enough. ● Almost half of them said that they had missed so many ...
High Dropout Rates in Chinese Rural Junior High School and Students' and Farmers' Views on School Education:A Field Survey in Northeastern Agricultural Areas However, there is still an extremely large number of students dropping out of junior high school in many rural communities.One of the reaso...
【题目】 American high schools have a dropout rate (辍学率) of up to 50%. There are many reasons for students leaving school: ● For two thirds of the
American high schools have a dropout rate of up to 50%. There are many reasons for students leaving school: ● For two thirds of the dropouts, motivation is the problem. They can’t just work hard enough. ● Almost half of them said that they had missed
【题目】Americanhighschoolshaveadropoutrate(辍学率)ofupto50%.Therearemanyreasonsforstudentsleavingschool: ●Fortwothirdsofthedropouts,motivation(动力)istheproblem.Theycan’tjustworkhardenough. ●Almosthalfofthemsaidthattheyhadmissedsomanyclassesthattheycouldnotfollowanymore. ...
dropout reasons for similar reasons. students often enter such schools unprepared and uninformed about the challenges ahead and unable to finish the program. sadly, such schools profit from tuition-paying students who fail to graduate. before law school starts, game out potential risks and ...
The aim was to collect opinions of two important actors of the school institution about the dropout issue and to bring the dropout related themes to light. The dropout related factors were attributed to the students, families, teachers, educational system, and elementary school applications....