5. Teachers get to be a positive influence on the next generation of young people Several years ago, Michelle Obama wrote an op-ed for U.S. News & World Report discussing how “the most influential people...will be the people who stand up every day in front of their classroom.” Accor...
To date, statistical information indicates that in many countries, less people tend to become teacher, particularly in secondary schools. Below the essay possible causes of this tendency, why less people prefer to be a teacher and compatible solution will be detailed. First and foremost...
Moreover, the creation and proliferation of alternate routes to teaching has expanded the opportunities for more people to become teachers - late entrants, career changers, etc. The emergence of alternative pathways to certification and the policy-driven changes from the NCLB Act such as the ...
doi:10.24106/kefdergi.860727STUDENT teachersENGLISH teachersACHIEVEMENT motivationEXPECTANCY-value theoryVOCATIONAL guidanceELEMENTARY school teachersLANGUAGE teachersBaz, TutkuKastamonu Education Journal / Kastamonu Eitim Dergisi
3There’s no one way to make all your teachers happy, since all your teachers will be completely different people. Some will be easy-going and warm, while others will seem like cold and strict. Try to get a good understanding of your teacher’s character. At the same time, you better...
All factors together have shown significant difference between absenteeism among 2013 batch in comparison with 2014 batch ((P<0.05) Conclusions: There should be a proper plan to encourage student's feedback, so that teaching can become more meaningful. Teachers need to adopt creative teaching ...
Top reasons to become a teacher Teaching is a special calling. It is not a job well-suited to everyone. In fact, many new teachers leave within the first 3-5 years of teaching. However, there are many rewards that come with this career. ...
We’ve often heard people say, ”If I can’t become anything else, I’ll become a teacher.”Many of us think that teaching is the simplest and the easiest job there is. But here’s something that’ll make you realise how in reality, it’s the complete opposite: ...
原文:ItisprobablyeasierforteachersthanforstudentstoappreciatethereasonswhylearningEnglishseemstobecomeincreasinglydifficultoncethebasicstructuresandpatternsofthelanguagehavebeenunderstood.译文:曾经了解了英语的基本结构和句型,英语似乎越来越难学了,老师们可能比学生更容易理解其中的原因。 参考答案: 错点击查看答案&解析 ...
选项中有两项为多余选项。 Top reasons to become a teacher Teaching is a special calling. It is not a job well-suited to everyone. In fact, many new teachers leave within the first 3-5 years of teaching. However, there are many rewards that come with this career....