The war between the two gangs has left El Salvador in the crossfire. Even though both gangs have other mutual stomping grounds, El Salvador, being their homeland, has endured the brunt of their unsavory rivalry. The city of San Pedro Sula is known for being one of the world’s most viole...
Of course, there are also adults in the film. The parents are desperate because their familiar Soviet reality is crumbling, and their kids are not at all like the perfect Pioneers that they see in the posters. Teachers react in one of two ways — some of them accept the winds of change...
It wasn't enough to know that some disturbed kids tortured kittens; they needed to believe everyone but them were kitten torturers. You can see why; think about how goddamnedeasylife would be if the only moral hurdle we had to clear was "didn't burn a kitten today." That's why we n...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter How many times have we heard someone say "it's gone viral", whether they were referring to a video they may have posted on their Facebook (maybe of their kids or a birthday party, something basic like that)? Some people may think that if at least ...
The fact that the knee-jerk rebuttal to this always comes in the form of "Oh, so you're saying we should just let the Nazis (or ISIS, or gangs) take over?" shows how well they've trained us, how well they've taught us to jump to the extreme scenario, to always assume that mon...