Being involved with a particular business on a daily basis means you will meet lots of new people, and since you will normally be there for a minimum of 2 years, there will be plenty of time to build your network of contacts. If you create a good name and reputation for yourself, then...
1. Colleges offer a range of full-time and part-time courses FE colleges in the UK offer courses for both young people and adults; something for everyone! entry level (requiring no specific qualifications) GCSEs and A levels; Nationals, Highers & Advanced Highers in Scotland Apprenticeships ...
In the wake of the “99 Reasons” piece, and an online friend’s subsequent rant, I’ve been starting a little practice of linking to three mainstream media articles per day about “what went right” (as opposed to “what went wrong”). I’ve been doing this for almost two weeks now...
Additionally, for the algorithms that rely on the word's frequency, the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) is investigated for increasing their performance. Afterwards, for the classifiers training, a relatively large existing balanced annotated dataset that has been extracted in ...