(3.78卤0.89), fear of legal issues, inappropriate definition of medication error and inappropriate reactions of authorities.Conclusion: We recommend increasing the number of nursing staff, adjusting the workload of nursing staff, using special forms for reporting errors and providing an atmosphere of ...
Our science team is put through the strictest vetting process in the health industry and we often reject applicants who have written articles for many of the largest health websites that are deemed trustworthy. Our science team must pass long technical science tests, difficult logical reasoning and...
The best model for a start-up CEO is Steve Jobs. He was bright, brilliant, interested in everything – but essentially unemployable. If your job is your vocation and you’re good at it, you should probably keep doing it. Don’t trade it in for paperwork and worrying about the bills. ...
Nursing perceptions of medication administration practices, reasons for errors and reporting of errors in a tertiary care hospital, Bangaloredoi:10.18203/2394-6040.IJCMPH20160432Meenakshi MaheshI Hajira SabaArun GopiMedip Academy
doi:10.5812/CCN.9305Maryam HeidariSalman YadollahiZahra RafieeMousa KarimifardHedayatollah Lalehganiنشریه پرستاری مراقبت ویژه
Successful interventions for reducing errors will be those that take into account all aspects of error occurrence and strive to minimize them through a holistic approach. The findings highlight the importance of improving organizational health literacy strategies for older adults with limited literacy. ...
All study designs were cross-sectional (except for two interventional studies) and in hospital settings. Nursing staff and students were the most observed populations. Individual factor, with "inadequate knowledge of medication" as its most frequent reason, were the mostly reported source of MEs. ...
Perspectives of healthcare professionals on reasons for medication errors: A cross-sectional studyHumansGlaucoma, Open-AngleTrabeculectomyIntraocular PressureAgedMiddle AgedFemaleMaleLaser TherapyBackground: Patient safety is a central concern of current health-care delivery systems, and several recent studies...
Abraham J, Kannampallil TG, Jarman A, Sharma S, Rash C, Schiff G, Galanter W. Reasons for computerised provider order entry (CPOE)-based inpatient medication ordering errors: an observational study of voided orders. BMJ Qual Saf. 2018;27(4):299-307....
Although the studies suggest that cinnamon may help lose weight in people with type 2 diabetes or polycystic ovarian syndrome, the evidence is insufficient. More clinical trials on larger populations are needed to draw this conclusion for certain. ...