Jonathan Edwards (1703 – 1758): “Under special difficulties…in great need…or [if you have a need for] any particular mercy, for yourself or others, set apart a day for secret prayer and fasting by yourself alone; and let the day be spent, not only in petitions for the mercies you...
8. Parents don’t have a prayer life. Prayer is a vital part of the Christian faith. Without prayer, we will struggle to hear from God and feel peace in our everyday lives. Yet, our children should know that we are a safe place for them to come when they need prayer. If they onl...
What matters most Above all other times in the year, Muslims worldwide journey to Makkah to perform Umrah. As you contemplate where to stay during the holy month of fasting and spiritual reflection, here are five reasons whyJumeirah Jabal Omar Makkahis the perfect choice for you ...
For more insight into the backbone of Spiritual Formation, let us turn to a small book Richard Foster wrote calledMeditative Prayer. Foster says that the purpose of meditative prayer is to create a “spiritual space” or “inner sanctuary” through “specific meditation exercises”13 Foster referen...