Proteins are essential for the growth and maintenance of every tissue and organ, including the muscles and bones. Proteins also play an important role as: Antibodies in your immune system Hemoglobinthat transports oxygen in your blood Enzymes that help catalyze various reactions in the body Hormones...
Diabetes can affect saliva production in a number of ways. People with diabetes may experience dehydration and dry mouth because of an increase in urination, or because of inflammation and irritation in the mouth. A decrease in the production of saliva can cause dry mouth and throat overnight o...
Dates are known for being high in natural sugars. However, dates do contain more than 70% sugar.1This means the majority of calories from dates come from sugar (glucose and fructose). Dates contain more calories per serving than many other fruits. This makes them great for road trips, hike...
For example, omega-3s have been found to significantly improve liver blood flow, decrease deposits of liver fat, reduce liver enzyme levels in the blood (a marker of liver-cell injury), and lead to significant increases in insulin sensitivity.23-27 Studies also show an over98% reductionin th...
Cows with positive test results produced less milk than did cows with negative test results...In this herd, tuberculosis was associated with a 4% decrease in milk production. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 1998 Sep, 213:6 Many diseases such as tuberculosis are transmissible by milk products. Journal ...
decrease the risk of outlier values as the frequency of medical appointments—and thus the collection of clinical variables—varies from a patient to another within a year. In case of missing data, discrepancies, or inconsistencies in the database, data were checked individually by the investigator...