Next, I present my primary positive thesis: reasons for actions have explanatory power in virtue of being parts of a structure-the practical syllogism-that contains the action being explained. I then argue that structural action explanations can meet Davidson's challenge and that they genuinely ...
For example, in Practical Reality, Dancy rejects the idea that we need to resort to psychologised explanations when agents act on false beliefs because, he argues, we can always explain an action by specifying the reason for which it was done (Dancy 2000, p. 131ff.). And this, he ...
Next, I present my primary positive thesis: reasons for actions have explanatory power in virtue of being parts of a structure-the practical syllogism-that contains the action being explained. I then argue that structural action explanations can meet Davidson's challenge and that they genuinely ...
In discussions of this kind, many reasons for the value of a play can be advanced; there can be long and heated exchanges of reasons, which never even touch on reasons for action. Or take a diVer- ent example. There are lectures, essays, and books arguing that, for in- stance, a ce...
1. It is a commonplace among philosophers that human actions are to be explained in terms of beliefs and desires, and that such explanations lay out a person's reasons for acting . Terminology varies slightly from author to author — ( 1990, 4 ) talks about belief/desire explanations, ( ...
physical pleasure. But for most activities, this will hardly be a condition of the value of the activity. It may be relevant in some cases (like lying on a beach, enjoying the sun), but when it is, it would probably have to be explained, again, by the value of the activity involved...
Feb 24, 20257 mins Artificial IntelligenceEmerging TechnologyGenerative AI video What is LLVM? | The compiler infrastructure explained Feb 21, 20256 mins Python video What is software bill of materials? | SBOM explained Feb 18, 20254 mins Python...
you can try the Apple Support app. This technique can be applied by arranging another device for downloading the Apple Support app. Users can regain access to their Apple ID and restore full device functionality through this app. The simple guide to perform this action is explained below step-...
familiar objections: that such truths would have troubling metaphysical implications; that we would have no way of knowing what they are; and that the role of reasons in motivating and explaining action could not be explained if accepting a conclusion about reasons for action were a kind of ...
for sb— 为人 reasons复— 原因名 · 理由名 known— 所知 · 表明 known形— 已知形 · 已知的形 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Lateron,for reasons knowntoall, my hope soon changed into that of catching the first train during the...