“Sex bumps” on your face can refer to two different things: a post-sex flush or a skin condition that you could have developed from intimate, close contact with someone who has some sort of rash or skin infection. If your face “bumps” present as flushed cheeks, blotches, or rash-li...
A paper published by the Journal of Cosmetic Chemists found that the skin on our necks tends to be thinner than the skin on our cheeks but it is also more elastic and has greater extensibility (viaWiley Online Library). These two factors combined mean that our neck skin is very susceptible...
Olive oil feeds acne-causing bacteria on the skin One of the main reasons why oleic acid (and by proxy, olive oil) causes acne, is that it feeds the acne-causing bacteria on the skin’s surface. We’ve already established that certain bacteria on the skin (known as P. Acnes lipases) ...
Like salmon patches, these are benign and go away after a few years on their own. In some cases, a few patches may not completely disappear. Erythema toxicum: Small yellowish bumps surrounded by reddish skin, much like acne, that appear along the cheeks, forehead, and the trunk is called...
only to find out it's because they don't have on makeup. If you condition the world to ONLY seeing you with luxurious eyelashes, heavy eyeliner, and rosy cheeks, you'll certainly take people by surprise when they see you without those things. While the opinions of others should only be...
The symptoms are dry, scaly, red patches on your baby’s scalp and face (especially the cheeks), that may spread to her arms and legs, and that normally appear when the baby turns 2 or 3 months old. Don’t be alarmed though – even if you think your little one has eczema, the ...
around the nose and cheeks. While the condition is incurable, you can use Manuka honey to cleanse your pores and reduce their size, thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory properties. This product is potent, so be sure to experiment with small amounts first before putting it on sensitive ...
“Sex bumps” on your face can refer to two different things: a post-sex flush or a skin condition that you could have developed from intimate, close contact with someone who has some sort of rash or skin infection. If your face “bumps” present as flushed cheeks, blotches, or rash-li...