or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectationsis already living among us. Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes.”Expositionon the “ascended masters,...
By Donnetta WilliamsNov 3, 2024 Dear Conservatives, Here Are 16 Reasons Why I'm a Liberal By jeff61bOct 23, 2018 The Simpsons 16 Predictions for 2024 That Are Mostly Insane By Aboah OkyereSep 11, 2024 Computer & Video Games Lock on Modern Air Combat Flaming Cliffs 2 Flight Simulator Revie...
With those numbers being so high, there is no doubt that something has to be done with theUnited Statesguncontrol. Yet when the president says anything about it, citizen scramble thinking that all their guns will be taken away. But that isn’t the idea behind gun control. It’s making s...
you’re dead. You’re gone. Sure, there are memories, but nothing like this. And even if you did leave tapes behind, the hysteria of it all would die down in a few weeks. I mean, school shootings that kill dozens stop being talked about after a few weeks so surely one person’s ...
Soon you’re just endlessly scrolling and not even stopping to take in the words or the vapid meaning behind them. If you’re like me, you end up muttering a curse word at yourself for wasting time, then close out the window. Cause No. 2: Short attention spans. Did you know that ...
That was what a "Russian" was in my mind -- cold, emotionless, violent, soulless, inhuman. As a school kid in 1984, I'd have pushed the nuclear button myself. I had seenRed Dawn, I knew it was us or them. So let's go back to our question: What's the one part of the worl...
the choice is between a public school with bullying and a private school with “stealing your bank account”. While, it is great for grad students, it is not so great at the school level. You also have to worry about gun totters and shootings when you are sending your kids to school....
Once more, I am turning my back with little care for what I leave behind. Saying goodbye to places and friends has always been a part of me. I get the itch to move on every couple years or so. It’s the result of having grown up in a semi-nomadic family. Always on the run, ...