‘Isee thestateasaduck withmanysmallducklings.Theyall walkbehindandfollowthepapa duck,but he doesnotprotect themproperly’.Thestateandfatherhoodis notan uncommoncombinationwithregardto statereasoningonthe Africancontinent.Inhis influentialworkon theAfricanstate,Bayart transposes theaforementionedWeberianidiomof...
honour and politics, respectively. But this is not all. Boundaries between the three types of social stratification emerge from the logic behind the distinction first between theGemeinschaftrooted in a “value rationality”, and second the “instrumental rationality” of...
Such a drive for honour is undertaken with both the scorn and partiality of the Stand behind it. This is why mixing class and Stand for Weber is “warped”. Indeed, in “Classes, Stände, Parties”, Weber emphasizes that classes, Stand/status groups, and political parties are relative ...