willbeoverin,like,aweek. 真的吗-真的 ·Really?Really. 293号hearts;订单前面取餐 Order293,readyatthefront. 是我的 Thats°me. 谢谢-所以 Thankyou.So,uh, 你是要回去工作还是 areyougoingbacktoworkor. 回家看家装类节目吧 Uh...justgonnagohome,watchsomeHGTV. 肯尼卡看孩子会看到6点半 Imean,well,...
She was so weak in the last few days she had to crawl on her hands and knees to use the toilet. Bodnar was ultimately acquitted, with her lawyers arguing that she helped Ms Niemann as a friend not as a patient. The pink hoodie of death. Here’s a huge thank you to the NSW HCCC,...