"At the same time, we are of the view that the Ukraine issue has not come to this point by accident. It is the result of the confluence of various factors and an eruption of the tensions that have built up over the years," said Wang, adding that what lies at the heart is the iss...
"At the same time, we are of the view that the Ukraine issue has not come to this point by accident. It is the result of the confluence of various factors and an eruption of the tensions that have built up over the years," said Wang, adding that what lies at the heart is the iss...
4.2. Impacts of Different Driving Factors on Alpine Grassland NPP Climate is regarded as the vital biophysical element influencing the growth of vegetation, while temperature and precipitation are essential elements affecting the interannual variability of vegetation [39]. From 2005 to 2018, the temperat...
4.2. Impacts of Different Driving Factors on Alpine Grassland NPP Climate is regarded as the vital biophysical element influencing the growth of vegetation, while temperature and precipitation are essential elements affecting the interannual variability of vegetation [39]. From 2005 to 2018, the temperat...