wikidata 不太频繁的翻译 razlog povod uzrok 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ reason "自动翻译成 塞尔维亚文 Glosbe Translate Google Translate 具有替代拼写的翻译Reason + 添加翻译 英文-塞尔维亚文字典 Разум Разум (часопис) But when the sun rises, I would see reason dawn...
WikiMatrix On one occasion -- about one month had already gone by since Gregor's transformation, and there was nowno particular reasonany moreforhis sister to be startled at Gregor's appearance -- she arrived a little earlier than usual and came upon Gregor as he was still looking out the...
WikiMatrix The system offers no protection at all against retaliation for reasons other than reporting misconduct. 在防止因举报不当行为以外的理由而遭到的报复方面,该系统没有提供任何保护。 UN-2 Him, too, for this reason I abandoned, believing him to be no philosopher at all.” 由于这缘...
This way, YAGO 4 transfers the rationale of the original YAGO from the combination of Wikipedia and WordNet to the combination of Wikidata and The result is a new knowledge base, which is not just large, but also logically consistent, so that OWL-based reasoning is feasible. ...
WikiMatrix “All magic is unnatural, and for that reason is to be feared and avoided. “Ĉia magio estas kontraŭnatura, kaj tial ĝi estas timenda kaj evitenda. Literature The Mahdi has followers even in the army, which perhaps for that reason fights so poorly. — Mahdi hav...
java.lang.RuntimeException: ES sync commit errorElasticsearchException[Elasticsearch exception [type=mapper_parsing_exception, reason=failed to parse field [updateTime] of type [date] in document with id '2020043011371113174']]; nested: ElasticsearchException[Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_...
Many thanks to Alyona’s big effort on this! here you are,enjoy your read…….. Evgenia Kanaeva has finished her “golden” 2009 season with one more victory. At present, she is the best gymnast on planet Earth. However, a 19-year old gymnast is afraid of feeling herself the best one...
莫斯科郊外的夜晚 @Wiki-link 以下是中譯歌詞,並附上另一位歌手演唱的Video-Georg OTS 深夜花園裏四處靜悄悄 只有風兒在輕輕唱 夜色多麼好 心兒多爽朗 在這迷人的晚上 夜色多麼好 心兒多爽朗 在這迷人的晚上 小河靜靜流微微泛波浪 水面映著銀色月光
amfucla // Wikimedia Commons 1983: Body mass index A Belgian mathematician named Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet first conceptualized the equation for body mass index in the 1800s. It wasn't until the 1980s that BMI became thestandard for measuringobesity. Today, many doctors believe BMI is ...
catts, Alyona and I made a gift for Zhenya’s upcoming 20th Birthday! We called it “Zhenya WIKI Project” Before Zhenya’s profile in wiki was very poor only few information. So catts and I decided to edit her wiki artile. And at the beginning of this year I told catts this project...