9.For the pamphletCommon Sense,Thomas Paine was charged with treason and fled toFrance, where he was made a citizen. 10.Thomas Paine also edited the first colonial magazineThe General Magazine. 11.Philip Freneau was the most important writer in American poetry of the eighteenth century. 12.Ame...
the Continental Congress in less than a year and a half after his return, the aged statesman set sail once again for Europe, beginning a career as diplomat His life 6 in 1785 Franklin became president of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania in 1787 he was elected as first president...
aThe articles of confederation在1777年11月15日的第二届大陆会议通过。 The articles of confederation passed in November 15, 1777 second session of continental congress.[translate] aTo effiectively use video data for quantitative as well as qualitative purposes, several facilitating factors should be take...
(4)educationandsciencewasanimportantmeanstocreateman’shappiness;(5)thefreedomofcitizen’sspeech,action,andfaithembodiedman’sbasicbenefits;(6)toserveGodwastodogoodforthemankind.Deism:Results Contributedtotheconceptthat:ifarulerfailedinresponsibility,thepeoplecouldrevoltRootofAmericanRevolution ...
Titles Foundingfather.AuthoroftheDeclarationofIndependenceandtheVirginiastatuteforreligiousfreedom,memberoftheContinentalCongress,statesman,diplomat,SecretaryofState,VicePresident,3rdPresidentoftheUnitedStates,founderoftheUniversityofVirginia TranslationPartof <DeclarationOfIndependence> ...
practical,politicallyastute,andself-reliant.The18th-centuryAmericanEnlightenmentwasamovementmarkedbyanemphasisonrationalityratherthantradition,scientificinquiryinsteadofunquestioningreligiousdogma,andrepresentativegovernmentinplaceofmonarchy.Thefirstcabinet:GW,Knox,Randolph,TJ,andHamilton Leadingwritersandtheirworks ...
actuality of this fa-mous motto for our own time. I want to think of the language spoken inthe Digital Continent as the language of coding, and I want to addressthis language, as I hope to explain a little with regard to why, as thelanguage of aQuantum Literacy.4But first, and in ...