Given a sorted array A[] consisting ofNintegers. The task is to rearrange the array alternatively i.e. the first element should be maxed value, second should be min value, third should be the second max, fourth should be the second min, and so on. Examples: Input:A[] = {1, 2, 3...
An array contains both positive and negative numbers in random order. Rearrange the array elements so that positive and negative numbers are placed alternatively. Number of positive and negative numbers need not be equal. If there are more positive numbers they appear at the end of the array. I...
Alternatively, you can set appropriate assumptions on variables explicitly. For example, assume that x and y are positive values. assume([x,y],'positive') combine(sqrt(x)*sqrt(y)) ans = (x*y)^(1/2) For further computations, clear the assumptions on x and y by recreating them using ...
Alternatively, unformatted direct access binary files with fixed length records do not have a header or trailer and are easier to share between Fortran programs compiled with different compilers. These have limited flexibility if records are not simple array dumps of the same size. I ...
Turning now to FIG. 1 a switching network is depicted comprising the cross-point array or module 100 constituting the black box of the basic switching network, input leads 101 and 102 forming the verticals and output leads 103 and 104 comprising the horizontals for the cross-point module. Th...
The task at hand is to arrange the array in such a way that the negative and positive elements are placed alternatively, that is, negative elements at an even position and positive elements at an odd position. If the number of positive integers is greater than th...