After 8 tests, the percentages of males having produced semen were 18, 50 and 30 for Groups I, II and III, respectively. In Experiment 2, 62 Merino d'Arles rams were either permanently segregated in unisexual groups from weaning onwards (I) or associated with cycling females until 8 ...
Lambs were weaned at ages between 2 and 30 days and fed on KIP milk substitute (Biofac, Copenhagen) until 14 weeks old in the first 3 years of the trial, then to 10 weeks and finally to 6 weeks. Other feeds offered were concentrates, carrots, hay and dried sugar beet pulp. The lam...
A flock of 132 East Friesian (EF) crossbred ewes and their lambs were used to study the effects of three weaning and rearing systems on milk production and lamb growth. During the first 30 days of lactation, ewes were either weaned from their lambs at 24 hr post-partum and then machine ...
- 0.64±0.08 and -0.77±0.07, respectively. The loss in the body condition in all groups could be attributed to the loss of body reserves by colostrums and milk feeding for the lambs until weaning. The current study trends in post parturient BCS loss indicated ...
Effect of feeding and housing of young pigeons of the commercial breeds King and Texan on their body weight increase until weaning Rearing commercial breeds of pigeons for meat production is an important branch of small stock breeding and is based on the flocks of breeds for fattening ... Že...
Milk replacer, ryegrass hay and creep feed were offered ad libitum , and each experimental group was kept in independent pens until weaning at 45 days of age. After weaning all lambs were placed together on the same pasture for fattening for 4 months. Blood samples were taken at 24 h ...
The lambs' behavior was continuously videotaped until weaning, and their standing percentage was recorded as an activity index. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein of lambs on days 3, 10, 17 and 40 after birth to assess thyroid hormone levels. The body weight of lambs was ...
LAMBSCOMPACT boneTIBIAGrowth rates associated with different artificial rearing systems have been thoroughly examined in many species. However, the effect of different rearing systems on bone morphology has not been described. The objective of this study was to examine differences in the bone mass and...