As long as you get an EC mirror, your side mirrors will function properly. HBA etc are all handled by the camera not the mirror so unsure how that relates other than mounting config I am really intrigued by the mirror I saw in the new G80.. (not sure yet if its the same, realoem...
because the car is a “RS” model and thus aftermarket part makers assume you have more disposable income and therefore can get away with charging more. It is especially difficult on the TTRS because it shares a lot of parts with the R8, so sometimes parts like the rear view mirrors (...
rear view mirror 美 英 un.后视镜 网络倒后镜;内后视镜;观察后镜 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 后视镜 释义: 全部,后视镜,倒后镜,内后视镜,观察后镜
rear view 美 英 un.后视图;背视图 网络后视镜 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 后视图 2. 背视图 释义: 全部,后视图,背视图,后视镜
RiderScan panoramic rear view mirror There have been lots of high tech and low tech ideas for dealing with blind spots. Some standard mirrors have a convex surface to do the same thing and you can buy those little round mirrors that stick on to your flat mirror, but this really does seem...