REAPER 动作列表中通常是「对象: 相应操作」这样的命名格式,如播放/停止是「Transport: Play/stop」、拆分对象是「Item: Split item...」、添加标记是「Markers: Insert Marker...」,诸如此类。 接着,我们在左下角找到 Shortcuts for selected action(选定动作的快捷键)区域,点击 Add...: 这时候又跳出来一个...
+ Media items: when copy/pasting items with stretch markers, preserve the original play rate+ Menus: very lightly refresh main file/edit/view/insert menus+ Modal windows: remember window positions (configurable option in preferences/general/advanced to tweak behavior)+ Mouse modifiers: add double-...
TheSnap enabledbutton is right next to theGridbutton. Snapping allows you to easily align your items, markers, and envelopes, and the cursor, to whatever you have the Reaper snap setting, set to. Right now, if I try and move my media items, they jump from beat to beat because snapping...
Tagged with: deploy 1.0.7 deploy anything bike Adding items to traders Reaper5150 replied to Reaper5150's topic in General Discussion. RESOVLED: The files are in dayz_code.pbo/Configs/CfgServerTraderZSC with a Readme.txt to move to mission folder if you choose. April 17, 2024 1...
REAPER supports all Windows versions from Windows XP to Windows 11. REAPER supports Linux on Intel and ARM architectures, and the Windows version works well withWINE. REAPER supports macOS 10.5*to macOS 14. macOS macOS Universal REAPER v7.34 - 26MB ...
Project Name Markers Create Marker (last) Create Markers (selection) Create Marker (auto) Export All Markers Say Thanks Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use. ©...
Nudge/Set: move items by precise time/beat/sample/frame/selection units Nudge/Set: move cursor or copy items by precise units Nudge/Set: actions to nudge left/right by last nudge dialog settings Nudge/Set: actions to save/recall up to 8 configurations (assign to shortcuts or toolbars...
Update BuyOne_Move, select, im-, explode, crop overlapping items in l… Feb 24, 2024 Item properties Update BuyOne_Fade presets.lua Aug 24, 2023 MIDI Update BuyOne_Switch to next;previous active CC envelope_META.lua Mar 8, 2024 Markers & Regions Update BuyOne_Duplicate project marker.lua...
–Markers and envelopes can be moved in logical sync with editing operations –Ripple editing – moving/deletion of items can optionally affect later items –Multiple tempos and time signatures per project –Ability to define and edit project via regions ...
–Configurable and editable automatic crossfading of overlapping items –Per-item pitch shift and time stretch –Arbitrary item grouping –Markers and envelopes can be moved in logical sync with editing operations –Ripple editing – moving/deletion of items can optionally affect later items ...