®'s Home Made blog offers insights into our products, people, and innovation, all devoted to helping you find your next home or rental.
the landlord pays the real estate agent to help find a desirable tenant. In more competitive rental markets, however, the tenant may be responsible for the real estate agent fee, sometimes called a “broker fee.” These fees can be as low as $50 to $75 for a credi...
Yes. In addition to buying and selling, real estate agents and brokers help list rental properties and find eligible tenants. When a property is rented, typically the tenant will pay their broker a fee (typically around one or two months' rent), which is split with the listing agent...
You have to be able to identify the properties that best meet their investment objectives and not waste their time with ones that don’t. Remember — your job is not just to show them properties. Your job is to help themfind the right properties. ...
If you’re considering working with an agent with little or no experience, then you need to find out more about their current situation and future goals. For example, many agents begin their careers selling homes on the side while still holding down a full-time job. While there’s nothing...
Find movers, locate self-storage units, and more. Visit to access our large selection of moving services and tools, find professional movers, locate storage units and boxes, and get information on local utilities.
South West United States. This is great for buyers and sellers as well as those wanting to invest in Second/ Rental or Vacation homes. The St George real estate laws have some tricky rules with Vacation Rentals but Bob and his team are experts in this field and can help you locate and...
What does the “correct property type” mean, and how do you know how to find that? The answer to this is a bit more complicated than understanding the basic term, “Location, Location, Location”. In order to pick the best property type, you need to know 2 things: A) How has the...
However, you also have to think about whether you are providing your tenants with good appliances. You want them to be happy, comfortable, and satisfied. Your rental unit is a reflection of you as a business owner. You don’t want to come off cheap and uncaring. ...
Looking for a real estate agents / companies in Ohio? Jill Team can help you with your real estate needs, if you are looking for homes for sales in Dayton, Beavercreek in Ohio.