If the water level reaches the preset threshold value, the ESP8266 NodeMcu V3 Microcontroller triggers the alarm by activating buzzer with a flashing red LED. On the other hand, The action ThingHTTP of ThingSpeak IoT platform call Twilio, cloud communications API, to send SMS notification to ...
The connection buffer is not processed until the outstanding transactions count falls below the low water mark. This value cannot be set below the low water mark. By default, this value is int.MaxValue. If both water mark levels are set to int.MaxValue, the connection throttling is disable...
"rest.source.url": "https://api.tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/api/prod/datagetter?date=latest&station=8454000&product=water_level&datum=msl&units=metric&time_zone=gmt&application=instaclustr&format=json", "rest.source.headers": "Content-Type:application/json,Accept:ap...
can open and close incidents when certain conditions exist in a continuous set of observations. The Detect Incidents tool could be used in a real-time analytic to open an incident whenever water levels at a gauge exceed 20 feet. However, our goal is to gain a de...
Add Arable Data to Any System with API Integration Bring the accuracy and coverage of Arable data to your favorite digital apps and systems—quickly and seamlessly. View the Documentation Introducing Arable Water & Arable Vision Unlock new levels of in-field visibility and intelligence with Arable’...
This value cannot be set below the low water mark. By default, this value is int.MaxValue. If both water mark levels are set to int.MaxValue, the connection throttling is disabled. (Inherited from RealTimeConnectionManager) ConnectionThrottlingLowMark Gets or sets the low water mark for ...
The connection buffer is not processed until the outstanding transactions count falls below the low water mark. This value cannot be set below the low water mark. By default, this value is int.MaxValue. If both water mark levels are set to int.MaxValue, the connection throttling is disabled...
The connection buffer is not processed until the outstanding transactions count falls below the low water mark. This value cannot be set above the high water mark. By default, this value is int.MaxValue. If both water mark levels are set to int.MaxValue, the connection throttling is ...
Water temperature real-time profiles from cruise WIND90 (DCQC)
If both water mark levels are set to int.MaxValue, the connection throttling is disabled. ConnectionTimeout Gets or sets the connection idle timeout value. If the connection is idle for the duration specified by this value, the connection will be disconnected. To disable, the value can be...