Mukesh Ambani with his wife Nita Ambani. New Delhi:With a net worth of USD 60 billion, Reliance Industries chief Mukesh Ambani has been ranked the 9th richest person globally, according to 'The Real-Time Billionaires List' of Forbes, that was topped by Amazon Founder and CEO Jeff...
me Billionaires.]]>The author offers a look at the share performance of San Jose, California-based Ubiquiti Networks founded by billionaire Robert Pera. He notes that the company held its initial public offering (IPO) in October 2011, after which its shares have been highly volatile. According...
Sometimes billionaires are created amid a boom of new technology, like Mark Zuckerberg, who harnessed social media to become the richest person in California. The distribution of billionaires and other super-rich individuals isn't evenly distributed; plenty more live on the coast than the Midwest, ...